The Thing with Obsession
The thing with obsession is that if you have one (paper) you will soon develop another.
When it comes to bags I can not help my self. I feel like I am on a mission to bring together all the beautiful bags into my home.
I am not to blame, They call on me. Wherever I go minding my own business, I hear them say, “take me home!”.
Lately, I have been hearing voices in my own home. A little bit different, though. “Make me”.
Well, one thing you can do with voices is listen to them. I cannot say I stopped buying bags. No sir, I can not say that, but I did start making them myself some times. This bag is made from felt and cotton fabric (it took me a week to make it) and it behaves like a good friend whenever i need it.
I want to make you a proposal … has also tried to make bags with application of fabrics and other materials (you can see from my blog “O voo do Pintarriscos”). I really liked this bag … do you want to make a return?