Happy Birthday

42 weeks passed and finally I gave birth to a baby boy.
I hope you all excuse me for being away for so long, and not responding to your emails and comments (hope to catch up real soon).
Special thanks to Maike Keuben from the Orange Farmhouse who wrote a Guest Post about my work at bloesem blog.  Thank you Maike!

6 Responses to “Happy Birthday”

  1. Rahel says:

    I wish you all the best, loads of happiness and laughter and wonderful moments together.

  2. Irit says:


    Your baby boy shares my birthday. 😀

  3. galit says:

    מזל טוב מזל טוב מזל טוב! חמודים (:

  4. deb says:


  5. לילך says:

    איזה איור מרגש!

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